Who is Dr. Kenneth Lew?
Singaporean Specialist Orthodontist with more than 3 decades of experience.
Appointed as Invisalign USA Keynote Speaker in Asia. Started National University of Singapore Postgraduate Orthodontic Masters Program. Provider of Orthodontic and Invisalign Courses for Asian Dentists. Invisalign Specialist Orthodontist with cases featured in Invisalign international scientific kit. Author of multiple articles in international high impact dental journals. Original dental research on soft tissue cephalometric facial points and TMJ research.

Dental Expert
Dr. Kenneth Lew named in the International Who‘s Who (USA) as a dental expert in the field of esthetic dentistry and orthodontics

Great Contributor
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), bestowed without examination in recognition of his contributions

Certified Specialist
Board and Ministry of Health Certified Specialist Orthodontist, Singapore

Honorable Mentor
Lectures and teaches orthodontic and interdisciplinary dental knowledge to dentists in many countries
” Knowledge is of value only when we share it ” – Dr. Kenneth Lew