We believe that our orthodontic practice at the Invisible Braces Center @Tanglin Dental Surgeons is underpinned by a philosophical understanding of orthodontics, depth and breadth of clinical experience and judgement. Our Clinical Mentor Director, Dr Kenneth Lew (referred to as “Lew KKK”) has written and researched various facets of orthodontics.
An SEM and TEM study of the microvascular changes incident to orthodontic tooth movement.
Australian Orthodontic Journal (Australia) 1986; 9:36
The periodontal microvasculature – A morphological and morphometric study.
Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry (Japan) 1987; 29:262-268
A comparison of archwires used for initial alignment in Begg treatment.
Australia Orthodontic Journal (Australia) 1988; 10:282-286
The apical periodontal ligament micro-vascular pool.
Journal of Dental research (USA) 1988; 67:791
The morphometric distribution of fenestration in the periodontal ligament.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1989; 68:738
Soft tissue changes following surgical treatment of Chinese adults with bimaxillary protrusion.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1989; 68:743
Modified Begg archwires for surgical cases.
Australia Orthodontic Journal (Australia) 1989; 11:59
The direct bonded lingual retainer – a new design.
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (USA) 1989; 23: 490-491
The orthodontic tooth positioned – An appraisal.
British Journal of Orthodontics (UK) 1989; 16: 113-116
Profile Changes following orthodontic treatment of bimaxillary protusion in adults with the Begg appliance.
European Journal of Orthodontics (Europe) 1989; 11:375-381
Tooth extrusion effects on micro-vessel volumes, endothelial areas and fenestrae
in molar apical periodontal ligament.
American Journal of Orthodontics (USA) 1989; 96:221-231
Alignment of buccally displaced canines following premolar extractions: archwires or natural alignment?
Australian Journal of Orthodontics (Australia) 1989; 11(2):92-96
Extremes in second molar eruption in two oriental patients.
British Dental Journal of Orthodontics (UK) 1989; 166:416-416
Superimposition of cephalometric radiographs with different machine magnifications.
British Journal of Orthodontics (UK) 1989; 16:281-283
Profile Changes following anterior sub-apical osteotomy in Chinese adults with bimaxiilary protusion.
International Journal of Adult Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery (USA) 1989; 4:189-196
Orthodontically induced microvascular injuries in the tension zone of the periodontal ligament.
Nihon University School of Dentistry (Japan) 1989; 31: 493-501
Intrusion and apical root resorption of mandibular incisors in Begg treatment: Anchorage Bends or Curves.
Australian Orthodontic Journal (Australia) March 1990; 11(3): 164-168
The use of psychometric tests in the evaluation of patients presenting for
orthognathic surgery: a preliminary report.
Australian Orthodontic Journal (Australia) October 1990; 11(4): 256-260
Recycling ceramic brackets in the orthodontic surgery.
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (USA) 1990; 24:44-47
Soft tissues profile changes following orthodontic treatment of Chinese adults with Class III Malocclusion.
International Journal of Adult Orthodontics and Orthognahtic Surgery (USA) 1990; 5:59-65
Staining of clear elastomeric modules from certain foods.
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (USA) 1990; 24:472-474
Evaluation of Soft tissues profile following intraoral ramus osteotomy in Chinese adults with mandibular prognathism.
International of Adult-Ortho & Orthognahtic Surgery (USA) 1990; 5: 189-197
Temporary pontic in aesthetic orthodontics – A new design.
British Journal of Orthodontics: (UK) 1990; 17:317-319
Adult Orthodontics: Patients perspective and attitude.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1990;69: 1102
Soft tissues changes following mandibular setback surgery in Chinese Adults.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1990; 69:1103
A 10 year follow up case report following surgical correction of anterior open bite.
Australian Dental Journal (Australia) 1991; 36:109-112
A comparison of shear bond strength between new and recycled ceramic brackets.
European Journal of Orthodontics (Europe) 1991; 13:306-310
A comparison of profile changes between ramus and anterior mandibular sub-apical
osteotomies in Class III Chinese Patients.
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (USA) 1991; 49:831-837
Orthodontic considerations in the treatment of bimaxillary protusion with anterior segmental osteotomies.
International Journal of Adult Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery ( USA) 1991; 6:113-122
Rating of malocclusion types among lay judges.
Journal Dental Research (USA) 1991; 70:861
SEM Examination of the bonding failure sites in new and recycled ceramic brackets.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1991; 70(4):862
The effect of variations in the mandibular plane angle on the Ponts’ index.
Journal of Functional Orthodontist (USA) 1991; 8(2):24-27
Initial Alignment with 0.008” pulse-straigtened supreme Wilcock wire in the lingual orthodontics.
Australian Orthodontic Journal (Australia) March 1991; 12(1):53-54
The lower incisor angulation in Class II Division 1 malocclusions with partial and full lips traps.
Australian Dental Journal (Australia) March 1991; 12(1): 29-32
In-Vitro investigation into anchorage loss following canine and incisor retraction.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) April 1991; 70(4):861
Anterior Crown dimensions and relationship in an ethnic Chinese population with normal occlusion.
Australian Orthodontic Journal (Australian) October 1991; 12(2):105-109
Assessment of orthodontic treatment needs by teenagers in an Asian community.
Community Dental Health (USA) June 1992; 57-62
Changes in lip contour following treatment of maxillary protrusion with esthetic orthodontic appliances.
Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (Canada) September 1992; 4(4):128-130
Bolton analysis as applied to Chinese.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1992; 71(4):1123
Shear Bond strength of metal brackets to enamel using Panavia.
Journal of Dental Research (USA) 1992; 71(4):1123
Soft Tissue cephalometric norms in Chinese adults with esthetic facial profiles.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (USA) 1992; 50(11):1184-1189
An aesthetic arch bar for maxilla-mandibular fixation in orthognathic surgery.
Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (Canada) 1992; 4:35-37
Orthodontic finalisation following anterior repositioning therapy.
The international Journal of Adult Orthodontic and Orthognathic Surgery (USA) 1992; 7(4):251-264
The prediction of eruption sequence for panoramic radiographs.
Journal of Dentistry for Children (USA) 1992; 59(5):346-349
Horizontal skeletal typing in an ethnic Chinese population with true Class III Malocclusion.
British Journal of Orthodontics (UK) 1993; 20(1):19-23
Shear Bond strength of metal Brackets to enamel using Panavia – An in vitro study.
Clinical Materials (USA) February 1993; 12(2):89-93
A removable appliance to extrude teeth.
Quintessence International (USA) 1993; 24(3):157-160
Cephalometric Ideals in Chinese, Malays and Indian ethnic groups
Asian Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry (Asia) 1994; 2(1) :35-38